Dropcast: Episode 31 - DRUPALCON

Recorded April 12th, 2017

Yes once again, folks, the wonderful DrupalConNA is happening in shiny Baltimore MD, and we have special guest, Heather Rodriguez (@hrodrig) from Civic Actions joins us to talk about the events of Drupalcon and to talk about her talk on Conquering Imposter's Syndrome. As always, we have some Drupal News, a couple of Pro Project Picks, and with Ryan unable to join us, Bob takes over the Final Bell.

Episode 31 Audio Download Link


Interview Heather Rodriguez

  1. Tell us about yourself.

  2. How did you get started with Drupal?

  3. Tell us about your upcoming session at Drupalcon.

  4. What was the outcome of last year’s BADCamp FE Summit?

  5. Are there plans to do it again this year?

Drupal News:

Pro Project Pick:


  • Jim Birch emailed us like he always does. MIDCamp was a success again.


The Final Bell: