This month saw further vacations, but some good contributions were made nonetheless.

Client sponsored

A client project saw us get into some interesting territory with Drupal 8 and the Deploy suite.


With it still being summer, many were saving their extra time for hiking and other fun adventures.

Blog posts


DrupalCamp Asheville was held at the Ashevill-Buncome Technical Community College on August 12th & 13th. Mediacurrent was a gold-level sponsor and several of our gang gave presentations:

The same weekend saw DrupalCamp Colorado return to downtown Denver. Mark Casias represented Mediacurrent, assisted with the Build-a-Module training and then gave a presentation on accessibility.

Coming soon, some of us be attending DrupalCon Dublin on the week of September 25th, NEDCamp on September 30th / October 1st, Baltimore DrupalCamp on October 7th, BADCamp from October 20th through 23rd, and DrupalCamp Atlanta on October 21st and 22nd; if you’re able to attend one of these events, please say hi to us!

That’s all for now, folks!

With the summer over, school starting up, and client projects launching, we’re looking forward to the Fall’s events and getting more time into contributions. Until then, we’ll see you next month!