Summer arrived and brought Drupalcon to New Orleans. Several of our team members were especially busy with planning various aspects of the week, including the logistics of getting over half of our company to the event! Even with that, we still had a great month for other contributions.


We had a few interesting tasks sponsored by some of our awesome clients this month:


Working around client deliverables and DrupalCon prep and attendance, our gang still managed to get some time for some great contributions of their own:

Blog posts

During the month we put together some blog posts that are related to Drupal and contributing:


As mentioned, Mediacurrent was out in force at DrupalCon New Orleans, with several of our team members giving presentations and running BOFs and code sprints. A great time was had by all, and you can find out more from Kendra’s blog post above.

Some other events are in the planning stages:

  • Drupal GovCon will be in Bethesda, MD from July 20th through 22nd, with several of us attending and speaking at the event.
  • DrupalCamp Asheville will be on August 12th and 13th in Asheville, NC.
  • NEDCamp will be in Manchester, NH on September 30th and October 1st.

That’s all folks!

We hope you have a great summer, and we’ll see you next month!