Welcome to 2016. Ok, it may be February, but that’s the thing with monthly reviews, they happen a bit later. Anyway, we had a rather good January, with lots of interesting projects getting started and a few module releases to help bring stability to our sites and yours.


The year got off to a good start with our clients sponsoring some pretty interesting work.


We had an excellent month for self-directed contributions, with just over 160 hours of work done on-the-clock by our staff!

  • Matt tentatively dug into the Panels infrastructure on D8 and contributed on some patches for it.
  • Michelle Cox continued her spam-bustin’ and webmastering, and also managed to release CrazyEgg 8.x-1.0-rc1.
  • After much work I finally released Metatag 7.x-1.8 with a substantial number of fixes, especially for sites that have translated content. And then I released 7.x-1.9, 7.x-1.10.. and 7.x-1.11 *cough*, all of which fixed various bugs that had not been caught with the previous releases. Thankfully, after that rash of releases, Metatag on D7 is proving very stable and reliable.
  • With the D7 release(s) out of the way I finally got back to working on Metatag’s D8 port.
  • I also released Alt Login Page 7.x-1.0, a small module that some sites may find useful.


With DrupalCon New Orleans on its way several of our staff are busy working with the Drupal Association to plan the event, which should be another great one for anyone able to attend.

January also saw the return of the annual Drupal Sprint Weekend. We didn’t participate in this in an official capacity, but a few of our staff did collaborate in their respective hometowns, in particular Mark Casias who led a small group in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Onwards and upwards

Some large projects are finishing up soon so we’re hopeful several of our staff will have more time to contribute again.

Stay warm, and we’ll see you again next month.