Whether you’re a long time Mediacurrent reader or have recently discovered us (if so, welcome!) you know that we are always looking for new ways to deliver quality content to our readers. We have more than 500 blog posts on our website and have no plans to slow down. Our eBooks and Whitepapers cover important topics and challenges in more detail and we share every recorded presentation our team gives.

But sometimes, isn’t it nice to get a great tip on the fly? Isn’t it nice to consume content in a “bite-sized” format?

With that in mind, we’re excited to introduce our new video series, The Mediacurrent Friday 5! In this series, we’ll share with you 5 tips, covering a variety of topics, in less than 5 minutes. As for the host? You may recognize his voice from Mediacurrent’s Dropcast series, but now you can put a face to the name: our Senior Drupal Developer, Mark Casias.

In this episode, Senior Front-End Developer Chris Doherty debuts the series with 5 Alternatives to the Hamburger Menu. He’ll give you some great tips to avoid bad site organization.

We already have a great list of topics but as always, we would love to hear from you. Have a topic that you’d like to learn more about? Feel free to reach us at friday5@mediacurrent.com with any suggestions. Have a great weekend!

Additional Resources
Take 5: User Experience Matters | Blog Post
Tips and Tricks to start user testing | Blog Post
Drupal 8 Theming without Panels | Presentation