October turned out to be a pretty good month at Mediacurrent for contributions.

Client sponsored


We had quite an awesome month in terms of self-directed contributions, with an impressive 148 hours in total!

During October, much of our focus was directed toward continued efforts to port modules to Drupal 8:

I must also give a special mention to Matt Davis who spent a huge amount of time this month starting an international organization to help Drupalers work together for humanitarian projects. This will be an amazing opportunity for people to reach outside of their spheres of influence and truly make a difference in the world. Stay tuned for details from Matt once it’s ready.

This month’s events

As mentioned in September, three of us attended NEDCamp, seven went to BADCamp, and almost 1/3rd of the company went to DrupalCamp Atlanta; all had a great time.

Next month

November brings a company retreat, plus a national holiday, so it’ll be a bit slow on the contrib front, but Drupal 8’s release should continue to drive us forward on our porting efforts.