I'm very excited to be a featured speaker at this year's DrupalCamp Los Angeles on Saturday, September 6th and Sunday, September 7th. This event, held at annually at the conference center at the University of California, Irvine, is a free event for the Drupal Community of Los Angeles, Orange County, and the Greater Southern California area. My session will focus on Responsive Web Design using Sass.

In a world where technology has advanced so much and there is no shortage of tools to build websites, how do you pick the right tools and techniques to produce website that are mobile friendly? The answer for the past few years has been very simple; Responsive Web Design or RWD. With RWD you can build highly scalable, robust and flexible websites that adapt to any screen size. This is possible through the use of media queries, a CSS3 property that allows a device’s browser to examine the screen size of that device and then serve a set of CSS styles that have been written to optimize the user experience on that device.

In this I will discuss what it takes to build Drupal responsive website.  I will describe in detail the elements of responsive web design and will demonstrate how to convert pixels to EMs, write breakpoints and also how to build a navigation that adapts to large and small devices.

During this session we will touch on the following topics and tools:

  • Responsive Web Design
  • Mobile First
  • Sass
  • Compass
  • Singularity Grid System
  • Breakpoint
  • Omega Base Theme
  • We will be uing Drush

During the course of this session we will discuss theories of responsive web design but we will also jump into code for a hands-on demonstration of how to apply the tools and techniques above for building mobile-friendly websites. 

If you are in the area, stop by and say hello! Also, be sure to join Senior Drupal Developer Bob Kepford for his session "Buidling a Blog with Drupal 8 the Day it's Released."