Metatag sprint at DrupalCon and NEDCamp

In the interest of pushing a little further towards a much-needed 8.x-1.0 release, I'm organizing a sprint for the Metatag module on Friday, September 30th. Because of the timing, this will coincide with both the sprint day at DrupalCon Dublin and NEDCamp's training day.


The obvious goals are to push towards a stable release of the module for Drupal 8. In practical terms, this will most likely mean a first release candidate.

My specific goals for the sprint are:

  • Help people learn how to contribute to the Metatag project, and Drupal as a whole.
  • Finish bringing all of the meta tags available from the current D7 release to the D8 version.
  • Test existing patches, help finish them off.
  • Fix all known bugs. Or at least the big ones.
  • Improve the test coverage.
  • Avoid introducing more bugs, because bugs are bad, uhmkay!
  • Writing more tests, because tests are good, uhmkay!
  • Start on some official documentation with the new documentation system.
  • Identify what can be delayed until after 1.0.

Furthermore, I'd really like to finish the Views integration, but that'll heavily dependent upon how much time it takes to finish it off. Mr. Tom Ek has done a great job on this so far, and it just needs some additional work to help finish it off. We'll also need to make sure there's some good test coverage for it so we don't cause bugs and other regressions, and then get it into the release.

All are welcome

While code sprints are perceived as being "only for developers", I want to extend an open invitation to anyone. If you can write, we need help with documentation. If you can work with the administrative interface on a Drupal site, we need help manually testing changes. If you can work with the website, we'll need help triaging the issue queue. If you have a good handle on usability, I'd love to work on usability improvements for the module. If you can code.. you already know what you can help with :-)


While I won't be in Dublin (all the tears), I will be sprinting at NEDCamp. That said, I'll be helping run the table during the morning for NEDCamp's training day so I won't be able to start until about 9am EST, after the attendees have arrived and checked in. For anyone who'd like to help remotely, be it from the comfort of their own office, cubicle, bed, home-office or favorite coffee shop, we'll be hanging out in the #drupal-seo channel on IRC, and will ultimately be organizing the efforts from there. The Drupal Association have made a spreadsheet available where people can indicate their intention to join one of the scheduled sprints, adding your name to the list will help coordination but it isn't required.

We'll see you then!

Additional Resources
Introducing Metatag 1.5 | Blog Post
How to Fix a Testbot Bug When Adding New Tests | Blog Post
Cleaner and Semantic Markup with Drupal’s Views | Blog Post