Here at Mediacurrent, we find it important to give back to the community. Giving back is core to Mediacurrent’s company values and commitment to the open-source community. Some of our efforts to give back to our communities include our first-ever volunteer day: the team got involved in their communities by volunteering half of their workday to local nonprofits like the Greater Chicago Cage Bird Society & Rescue, local libraries, and Angel Tree Atlanta. 

Mediacurrent team volunteering at bird rescue, library, and Angel Tree Atlanta

Recent volunteer work

At Kennesaw State University we held a lunch-n-learn presentation to bring awareness to Drupal's next generation. In order to establish a stronger culture including the focus of giving back, our Marketing Specialist and Culture Coordinator attended a culture networking event to share knowledge and refine Mediacurrent’s culture. Additionally, our team pays it forward around the holidays by contributing to the community with their time, talent, and resources.

Giving back to not only the Drupal/open source community but also to other efforts and local communities is an important part of our company DNA.

 - Dave Terry, Co-Founder of Mediacurrent

MC team at Kennesaw State

Our team has multitudes of giving traditions like donating to Build Chicago, a gang prevention organization that helps keep kids off the streets by getting them involved in creating art projects after school. Another Mediacurrent team member’s family builds and decorates a gingerbread house and brings it to the local fire station. Many buy toys for foster children, sing carols at elderly care facilities and in neighborhoods, collect socks and gloves for the homeless, and donate sustainable gifts to families in need in third world countries.

Supporting Local Communities

As a company, paying it forward means supporting our local communities financially as well as with our time. In the past few years, Mediacurrent donated to Doctors Without Borders, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Women in Technology, Men Stopping Violence, Direct Relief, Children's Cancer Foundation, and more.

For the holidays, we wanted to pick a charity that puts its money towards solving a vital need. 48in48 supports other nonprofits in local communities by bringing together digital marketing professionals to create fresh, accessible websites. It also offers national volunteer opportunities so that we may all have the opportunity to get involved and make a difference in someone’s life.

  • With a revenue of just $466,095 in 2018, their total impact on nonprofits to date is $23 million.
  • They have serviced over 900 nonprofits with an estimated value of $1.5 million per city event.
  • Their site-building events occur in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Seattle, London, and more.
  • They have assisted numerous nonprofits including Habitat for Humanity Dekalb, March for Moms, 365 Dad, National Black NBA, Homeless Services United, and The Remarkable Youth Project.

About the Nonprofit

The 48in48 foundation's mission, according to its website, is mobilizing marketing and technology volunteers to serve nonprofits worldwide by hosting events to build 48 free nonprofit websites in 48 hours. They serve nonprofits through skills-based volunteerism by building websites, training nonprofits, and providing support. Their organization is national, but their impact is local. In each city, local community leaders take part in their organizing committee, and local volunteers take part in developing the website and marketing strategy.

Annual 48in48 Event

Centered around 48-hour hackathon-style events, 48in48 connects local nonprofits and skilled marketing and technology professionals. At the end of 48 hours, 48 local nonprofits have new, professional, websites.

The nonprofits get not only a website but also, a fresh marketing strategy. Before the main event, each nonprofit takes part in 6-10 weeks of marketing, branding, and impact training.

Nonprofits continue to focus on what they do best: serving the local community. With a boost from skilled professionals, these nonprofits increase their impact and reach via professional websites and marketing plans.