Another major sports league has launched a Drupal platform that will power each of its team sites. Contractual obligations with the client prevent me from using the league's name or logo, but it is the largest of the sports leagues to date to adopt Drupal.

Mediacurrent partnered with the league and Acquia to provide a feature-rich, flexible platform capable of offering a common set of tools but also a unique identity to each of the team sites. The first team went live on the platform in October, and the rest of the clubs will be migrating off of the league's outdated, proprietary system to launch with new sites on Drupal over the course of the next year.

I am especially proud of my teammates at Mediacurrent considering the timing in which this project was completed. Having joined the company when it was less than 10 employees, I am amazed at how our concurrent teams were able to complete this project during a summer that also included large projects for,, and others all in the production schedule.

Despite the busy schedule, the team managed to generate significant contributions back to the Drupal community. Among the modules that were newly created or received significant updates as part of the project:

The new platform includes a robust and responsive editing experience including support for content entry and editing on tablet and mobile devices. It features live data feeds delivering scores and statistics ahead of the HD television broadcasts of the games. It also offers flexibility in the form of dynamic content lists which allow clubs to pick and choose individual display modes for unique content presentations all driven from a common set of views.

For more details, read the full case study on how Mediacurrent and Acquia are developing a single Drupal platform for this major professional sports league.
