Each month, we spotlight one of our amazing team members who work hard to bring you great results. Today, we interviewed Kell McNaughton from our development team. Let's get started!

Kell McNaughton

1. What’s your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I focus on back-end development with the occasional client call to keep things interesting

2. Give us an idea of what professional path brought you here.

Before I got started learning to code, I was the overnight manager of a produce warehouse. I eventually decided I wanted to do something more fulfilling, so I quit that job and spent about 6 months teaching myself with some help from friends already in the industry. I was hired at a local agency as a contractor, moved from there to a full time position at a startup, and finally to Mediacurrent.

3. How did you first get involved with Drupal?

My first experience with Drupal was with my first agency. It was a very “learn on the job” moment. Once I had the realization that working with Drupal is like working with Legos you can customize, I was fully drawn in.

4. Is there a go-to Drupal module that you like to incorporate whenever possible?

Paragraphs. Nearly every site I’ve touched has had a solid use-case for it.

5. Do you have any recommended reading or books that you would suggest to others?

I’m a huge fan of the Sam’s Teach Yourself series of books because they were a tremendous help when I was first learning. Outside of that, pretty much anything by Neil Gaiman.

6. Any mobile apps that you use regularly?

I tend to have Spotify running whenever I’m working, be it code or housework.

7. What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’ve got a closet full of board games, I’m in a long-running Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and I also play video games regularly.

8. What do you like about Mediacurrent?

I’ve only had the opportunity to meet a relatively small number of my coworkers in person but despite that, it feels like I know them better than any of the people I’d worked with at my previous places of employment.