Dropcast: Episode 35 - Obligatory 2017 in review Episode

Recorded Dec 18, 2017

It’s been a while, but thanks to Jim Birch, we are back in action and with this our final episode of 2017, we will do the obligatory year in review and a look forward to 2018. We cover some Drupal News, since a lot had happened in the last two months since our last episode. Bob takes on the Pro Project Pick and keeping in the holiday spirit, Ryan takes us out with the Final (Jingle) Bell. On a side note, in this episode I do state that this episode will be out before Christmas, and Mario didn’t believe me. It turns out, he was right.

Episode 35 Audio Download Link


2017 Wins

  • Mark: Decoupled Dev Days, Learning React

  • Bob: Decoupled Dev Days, Learning React, & Learning more about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

  • Mario:  Component Driven Development

  • Ryan: Nodevember, Becoming more familiar with React and Node in general.

2018 Hopes

  • Mark: Decoupled Dev Days, more decoupled projects, Leeside playing gigs, a better podcast...

  • Bob: DrupalCon Nashville, launch a new React project for TheWeeklyDrop, Launch a client progressively decoupled site.

  • Mario: A more seamless integration process for components with Drupal.  UI_Patterns looks very promising.

  • Ryan: More experience with React.

Drupal News:

Pro Project Pick: JSON Server

Events: (https://www.drupical.com/?type=drupalcon,regional)

The Final (Jingle) Bell:
