This episode we celebrate D8, a little late. Damien McKenna, our new Community Lead joins the show to talk about the release of Drupal 8, the state of contrib in the Drupal Community and Mediacurrent’s role in that process. We also take on the battle of Slack v IRC since that is our Pro Project Pick. Mark does the final 'This Time Period in Drupal 8' since it's now just regular Drupal news. And as always, Ryan takes us home with The Final Bell.

Episode 13 Audio Download Link


Mediacurrent Blog Mentions:

Special Guest: Damien McKenna

  1. We're doing it a little different this time, normally people come on the Dropcast and then get a did it differently. You were recently given a new role at Mediacurrent. Tell us about that.

  2. If you’re building a new site should you use D8 today?

  3. One of the issues with the Drupal 7 release was the lag in upgrades of contributed modules. Do you think that will be an issue with D8?

  4. Which of the plethora of modules you maintain are ready for D8?

  5. If one needs help upgrading their contrib module to D8 are there any resources or tools to help with that?

  6. What are you most excited about in Drupal 8?


  • Jim Birch

    Hi guys,

    I just finished episode 12, great job from top to bottom.  It was awesome meeting you all at BADcamp.  Hope to see you all at another event soon.

    Until the next final bell.

  • Edin from Germany asks:

    Hi there,

    Nice podcast, i have a lot of fun listening it. My question is: after the release of drupal 8 rc, would you recommend to start new projects on 8rc or 7?     What are actual pro and cons for 7 and for 8rc? What are important points to consider whether to use  7 or 8rc? How difficult will it be to upgrade to 8 final from 8rc? Keep talking!

    Edin from germany

Pro Project Pick:

This time period in Drupal 8:

The Final Bell: