On October twenty-third I had the pleasure of speaking at BADCamp X, the tenth Bay Area Drupal Camp in Berkeley California. BADCamp is my favorite Drupal event not only because I can drive to it, but also because of the great people and quality of the camp, I never miss it. My talk, “Cracking the Shell: Command Line for the Drupaler” focuses on demonstrating how you can use command line interfaces (CLI) to get your work done more quickly and more effectively.

I know this

I like to call this talk a show and tell. In it, I cover a broad array of command line tools from Bash, Git, and Vim to Drush, Tig, and Tmux with plenty of tips mixed in. The session was recorded so if you love the command line or even if you are kinda CLI phobic I can guarantee there will be something in it for you.
