While still a slightly slow month, September saw a slight increase in our contribution efforts over August.

Client sponsored

We were very pleased to have several clients look to make improvements in modules their sites use:

  • Nathan James contributed several improvements to the Alt Login Page module, making it much more useful.
  • In the constant battle against spam, I worked on a patch to automatically enable the CAPTCHA module for all Webform nodes.
  • Metatag received i18n improvements, a new token for outputting the current pager, new meta tags and a bunch more tests to help its stability.

Self-directed contributions

While still down a bit over earlier in the year, we had just over forty-five hours of self-directed contributions for the month. Some of our primary achievements were:

Upcoming events

During October you’ll be able to find several of us out ‘n about:

More to come

There are several things in progress right now, including ongoing module ports to D8, and further stability improvements to existing D7 modules, hopefully some of these will see the light of day during October.

We’ll see you in the issue queues!