A slightly quiet month due to various holidays and our company retreat, but we still made good progress.

Client sponsored work

During the month we made some good progress on items on behalf of our amazing clients:

Self-directed contributions

As mentioned earlier it was a slightly slow month for our self-directed contributions, though we’re still pleased with our progress:

Preparing for Drupal 8

With Drupal 8’s launch on November 19th many of us clamored to get initial ports of our modules out the door.

That’s all for now, folks!

With Drupal 8 now out the door I’m hoping our porting efforts will continue to gain traction and we’ll see further progress there, though being the end of the year many of us will be rounding off the last few weeks with some much-deserved down-time with our families.

Have a safe and happy holidays, and we’ll see you in the issue queues!