Another month, another swath of work to improve our favorite content management system.

The Usual (Contrib) Suspects

Once again some of our main achievements during March was on client-sponsored work, most notably:

  • Michelle Cox made headway on the D8 port of Metatag while I was preoccupied with some other things.
  • Michelle made a number of improvements and fixes to the XMLSitemap module’s D8 port via patches in the issue queue, and Paul McKibben was added as a co-maintainer which then gave him the chance to commit a good many fixes.
  • After her earlier work on porting the module to D8, Michelle joined as a co-maintainer of the CrazyEgg module.
  • Jason Want ported the Eloqua module to D8.
  • Paul continued making improvements to the er_viewmode module.

Along with the sponsored work, we had a low total of self-directed contributions for the month, just over 70 hours total, which is definitely lower than previous months. That said, we did make some definite progress:


As mentioned last month, with the Spring well underway many of our staff have been hard at work helping to plan various events around the country. During March we collaborated on several events:

DrupalCamp New Orleans

Held at the end of March, our own Jeff Diecks and Jason Want helped plan the second such event in New Orleans and had a small yet accomplished event.

DrupalCamp Florida

One of the longest running regional events, DrupalCamp Florida, had their seventh event during April and several of our busy beavers were toiling away on their presentations during March.

Upcoming Events


The NH Drupal group, which Matt Goodman and I are members of, are skipping their DrupalCamp for 2015 and are instead running a series of code sprints throughout the year, dubbed "NHDevDays". The first such event will be held in Keene, NH on April 26th and will be focused on the beginner who has never contributed to Drupal before but is interested in learning how.


In May a whopping fourteen of us will be attending the annual North American Drupalcon in Los Angeles, CA. We have four sessions planned on a variety of topics, and you'll always also be able to find us at our booth in the exhibition center. We hope to see many of our readers and friends there!


In July we're going to be descending upon New York City for NYCCamp's fourth annual event. Home to Mediacurrent’s new parent company, Code and Theory, we’re excited to have ten of us hit the Big Apple for one of the north east’s largest Drupal events.

Plans for April

As can be expected, with the continued lead up to several events our code contributions will continue being a little slow during April, but we’re still aiming for several stable module releases and continued progress on our several D8 ports.

Have a great month!

Additional Resources

Introducing Mediacurrent's Contrib Committee | Mediacurrent Blog Post
Contrib Committee Status Report, February 2015 | Mediacurrent Blog Post