With several projects in their final stages of development, many of our staff were tight on hours so their time for contributions was reduced. As always though, we managed to get some good contributions out the door.

Client sponsored


As suggested earlier, our internal time was greatly reduced during the month due to many projects being finished off.

Blog posts

Just two items this month.


The last week of September saw everyone's favorite mascot land in Dublin, Ireland for a very memorable DrupalCon Europe. Matt Davis gave a detailed talk on Edge Side Includes (aka "ESI"), while Michael Wojcik and I attended many great sessions and BOFs. It was a last-minute arrangement for me to attend so I was too late to organize a presentation, but it was still a career highlight to be able to combine the community work I enjoy so much with a trip to my home country.


NEDCamp started on September 30th in Manchester, NH and a number of Mediacurrent staff members were in attendance, with Matt Goodwin and I giving presentations. We also organized a code sprint for Metatag for the 30th, which coincide with the sprint day at DrupalCon Dublin.

Until next time

That's it for the third quarter of 2016 - we're into the Fall / Autumn already! We're looking forward to foliage changing color, sharing recipes for seasonal pies and preparing for the winter, while our staff in the South continue fishing and wondering what all the fuss is about. Until next month, stay safe and make sure to enjoy some of the season's fresh apple cider.