It has been a while, but welcome back to the Mediacurrent Contrib Committee Review. Each month we’ll detail the many and varied contributions that our team made during this month, this time for October.

Client-sponsored contributions

We recently put together some internal tools to see what our staff are contributing on Now it’s easier to see the great contributions that our team have made which have helped us retain a fifth position rank on the Drupal Marketplace, an achievement we're quite proud of.

Self-directed contributions

While not working on client projects, Mediacurrent gives us a bit of time each week to do our own thing.

Blog posts

Our lot love to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard I guess. Either which way, they love to write, and this month was no different.

Contrib Half Hour recordings

The Contrib Half Hour meetings have been going well. Each week we focus on a different topic, and (when I remember to hit that “record” button.. *ahem*) the meetings are recorded for later review.

That’s all folks!

Hope everyone has had a great month, and a fun & festive Halloween. We’ll see you again next month.