With the community enjoying a bit of peace and quiet after the excellent DrupalCon Dublin we had a slightly relaxed month on the contrib side of life.

Client sponsored


Some notable achievements this month.

  • Jason Want got back to working on the Pardot module's port to Drupal 8.
  • After attending DrupalCon Dublin, Michael Wojcik joined the drupal.org documentation team to help with their efforts to convert the site's documentation over to the new system that was added a few months ago.
  • Michelle Williamson submitted a patch for Accessible Forms to correct the value of the "required" attribute and it was added to the next release.
  • I released Metatag 8.x-1.0-beta11 which fixed a number of bugs, including a long-standing bug with default values not loading properly on entity edit forms, and added some more meta tags. I also worked on a patch for Drush on Drupal 8 to make it automatically load the settings overrides by default, and helped triage the CTools, Panels and Date issue queues including writing some tests for all three (yay tests!).

Blog posts

Being purveyors of perceptive prose, we managed to get a few contrib-related blog posts out this month:


There aren't usually too many events right after DrupalCon, because both attendees and sponsors (and their event budgets) are usually a bit worn out, but sometimes events aren't able to find a better date at the location they want to use so end up...

  • NEDCamp 2016 was a grand success, despite being the weekend after DrupalCon. Matt Goodwin gave a presentation on accessibility, while I presented a comparison between Paragraphs, Entity Embed and Panelizer. Anthony Fournier also attended the event, which had a strong emphasis on accessibility and featured an amazing keynote by noted expert Brian Charlson.

Until next time

That's all for now, hope you have all had an excellent Fall/Autumn full of walks in leaf-covered parks and have gotten to eat some of the wonderful foods that appear at this time of year. Mmm, pumpkin pie. Until next month, take care and contrib on!