Mediacurrent is starting a new chapter in our long-time partnership with Acquia. We’re excited to bring Acquia Lift to the market as an official implementation partner.

Intelligent Personalization With Mediacurrent and Acquia 

With this collaboration, Acquia’s tools round out our strengths as a full-service digital agency. Now, we're ushering the future of high-touch, personalized customer experiences. This winning formula has helped clients like Brand USA to gain and retain customers.

We’re here to collaborate, educate, and build more measurable engagement for our clients. With Acquia’s tools, we can achieve ambitious marketing goals by aligning data and technology in new and powerful ways.


- Adam Kirby, Mediacurrent Director of Marketing

Read the full press announcement.

How the Enterprise Drives ROI With Lift 

Total Economic Impact (TEI™) study by Forrester Consulting (2019) found that, when combined with Acquia Cloud Site Factory, Lift customers experience:

  • Benefits of $8.3 million over three years
  • 85 percent faster time to market of new sites and features
  • 60 percent more productive digital marketing teams
  • 3 percent improved customer retention from increased audience engagement

Read more about Acquia Lift's Total Impact Report
